Python Slot Machine

When looking for a great themed slot, do not miss Monty Python’s Spamalot, with 5 reels, 20 paylines, by Playtech. The musical comedy, also based on a film from 1976, about Monty Python and the Holy Grail, have done a lot for people, entertaining them, and now it is the turn of the Playtech Video Slot themed on Monty.

In Python every class can have instance attributes. By default Pythonuses a dict to store an object’s instance attributes. This is reallyhelpful as it allows setting arbitrary new attributes at runtime.

  1. Slot Machine in Python Encapsulate functionality in a class. I'd create a class called SlotMachine that holds the global state. It should store. Keep related constants in an Enum. This also helps avoid.
  2. Simple, expandable, customizable slot machine. Help the Python Software Foundation raise $60,000 USD by December 31st! Building the PSF Q4 Fundraiser.

However, for small classes with known attributes it might be abottleneck. The dict wastes a lot of RAM. Python can’t just allocatea static amount of memory at object creation to store all theattributes. Therefore it sucks a lot of RAM if you create a lot ofobjects (I am talking in thousands and millions). Still there is a wayto circumvent this issue. It involves the usage of __slots__ totell Python not to use a dict, and only allocate space for a fixed setof attributes. Here is an example with and without __slots__:


Monty Python Slot Machine


The second piece of code will reduce the burden on your RAM. Some peoplehave seen almost 40 to 50% reduction in RAM usage by using thistechnique.

On a sidenote, you might want to give PyPy a try. It does all of theseoptimizations by default.

Below you can see an example showing exact memory usage with and without __slots__ done in IPython thanks to

Python slot machine library
Mar 30th, 2015

Monty Python Slot Machine

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  1. #use python to write a code that allows the user to play a simulated slot machine using tokens
  2. #give them 100 tokens to start out with but every game makes them loose one
  3. # if they spin 3 of the same number they win tokens 1 = 4, 2 = 8, 3 = 12
  4. tokens =100
  5. print'Welcome to slots! You start with 100 coins and loose one each time you spin the slot machine'
  6. print'If you spin 3 of the same number you win coins'
  7. yes_no =raw_input('would yo like to play slots? Y or N')
  8. tokens = tokens - 1
  9. number2 =random.randint(1,3)
  10. print number1 ,',', number2 ,',', number3
  11. if number1 1:
  12. if number1 2:
  13. if number1 3:
  14. print'you have', tokens ,'tokens'
  15. yes_no =raw_input('would yo like to play slots? Y or N')
  16. print'goodbye'
  17. print'you ran out of tokens:
  18. print 'invalid input'